10 Foods to Help Prevent or Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Smart Food Choices Can Help Control Diabetes.

Smart Food Choices Can Help Control Diabetes.

At the tender age of 45, I found myself sitting in the lab room at my doctor’s office, shocked at the news. The results of my blood tests show I am on the border of diabetes, or at the pre-diabetes stage. Being a self-help person, and someone who does not want to take medication for diabetes, I began my own little research study to determine my own risk factors. I was on a quest to find enjoyable foods to eat and still maintain control over my possible diabetes.

Primary risk factors for diabetes are leading a sedentary lifestyle and being overweight. But, there are several foods, when eaten in moderation which will also lower your risk of developing diabetes.

-Fermented Dairy Products

According to British research studies, regular consumption of yogurt, cottage cheese and other fermented dairy products can lower the risk of developing diabetes by as much as 28 percent.


Eating plenty of baked or grilled, skinless chicken breasts is a great way to control your weight, and help prevent diabetes. Chicken breasts are full of lean protein, and best of all, for the amount of calories you consume (120-160 per breast), they make you feel very satisfied and full, keeping you from eating as much throughout the day.

Dark Chocolate-

Dark chocolate has ingredients that lower high blood pressure and is a potent anti-oxidant. Avoid consuming milk chocolate however, as the flavanoids, and anti-oxidants aren’t prevalent in milk chocolate and won’t compensate for the sugar intake.


According to http://www.healthcentral.com, blueberries are a fruit that is beneficial to diabetics. Blueberries also contain powerful anti-oxidants and have been shown to increase insulin sensitivity.


Surprisingly, coffee can help reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 50% according to http://www.inquisitor.com. It’s important to keep your coffee intake down to less than 4 cups per day.

Green Vegetables-

Non-starchy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and and green beans help to treat and prevent diabetes because they are high in fiber and low in carbohydrates.


Most starchy foods affect blood sugar poorly. But, beans are a great alternative because they are also high in fiber and protein. Vitamins like iron, potassium and magnesium are also abundant in beans.


Fish is high in healthy fat (omega-3 fats). Fish has also been known to lower blood pressure and lower the risk of blood clotting. Some common fish that are high in omega-3s are salmon, tuna and trout.


Nuts, especially almonds and cashews are a very healthy source of protein and fiber. They are high in calories because of fat content. But, it is healthy monounsaturated fat, not the dangerous saturated fat. Many diabetics find that mixed nuts are a great option.


Another surprise, because of its high carbohydrate level is oatmeal. Oatmeal is very high in soluble fiber and can help lower cholesterol, improve blood pressure and stabilize glucose levels. Like, chicken and yogurt, a small amount can also fill you up for a long time.

Controlling diabetes does not mean saying goodbye to enjoyable food. With a little bit of research and some creativity, you can create a satisfying diet plan for yourself that fills you up, tastes great, and helps maintain, control or prevent diabetes.

Good luck, good shopping, and good eating.