Insomniac Stream #3 – Grocery Cart Blues

Funny, but true.

Funny, but true.

I just have to bring this up because it’s been on my mind a long time. I don’t want to offend anyone who is on government assistance programs, who really need them. But, it seems like these days every time I go to the store, there is someone in front of me with a huge, stuffed grocery cart. These people get up to the counter and either hand the cashier about $300.00 worth of welfare checks, or take out their welfare debt cards to pay for the stuffed bundle of goods.

In front of them, and behind them will be other shoppers with about 2 bags of groceries each, who take out real money to pay for their own groceries. The sad thing is, the people in front and back of the welfare users are paying for their own groceries twice. Not only are they buying their groceries (through their own hard work). But, through government taxes, they are buying the giant welfare basket for the other guy too.

With record numbers of people receiving government aid, under the current administration, this is not surprising. Sadly the lower,and even upper middle classes are being -squeezed to death, on both sides. If this continues, America will be the land of the mega-rich, and the dependent poor. In other words, the exact opposite of the economically dependent, capitalist nation we were once built upon, where every man could create their own dream.

As I watch Russia and China sit back and wait like sleeping giants, and minding their own business, I see America involve themselves in every other country’s affairs. But, right here at home, the Federal government has created a crumbling educational system, ignored trillions of dollars of mounting debt, and created a massive healthcare plan the citizens didn’t want in the first place, doesn’t work, and was presented under false pretenses. 

 I’m off my soap-box for today. It’s time for the poetry, and the usual insomniac stream format. Whether you agree or disagree with my cynical political views, my intention is to at least spark a dialogue.

Insomniac Stream #3

Buried balls deep in water under my head. Glass cracks my skull. Adventures in babysitting becomes a model for dying my hair at Dairy Queen. Nothing is making sense tonight. I don’t even have the will to fight. Leave this plane. Board the game. Trains are taking off for higher plains. Existentialism bull pucky. Cranberry Kool-Aid comes but once a bleed-out. Time stands still. I watch the pilot-less planes float over me. I’m drained by the emotional abuse the government is handing out to us and them. Can’t think. Don’t eat. Breath deep. We’re in for survival folks. –RJD

Grossest beverage of the day:Dock street brewing company makes a beer using smoked goat brains. No joke.

WWE Hall of Fame Wrestler, the Ultimate Warrior dies at 55 today.

Today’s Miracle:The flight of birds. The songs of birds. Tiny little brains. But, they can fly! What magical lives they must lead. I hope they appreciate the gift of flight. But, I can’t speak their language.

Eagle in Flight

Eagle in Flight

Signing off from the garage of my mind,

The poor man’s Vladimir Nabokov

Insomniac Stream #2 – Belts and Bullets

Fighting for their Lives

Fighting for their Lives

Today, I know you’ve had these kind of days. They start out insanely bad. You get to work and immediately something goes wrong. You have 2 choices, you can let the roller coaster take you down the rest of the way, and have some shots of Vodka when you get home, or you can rise above it all with a smile and some faith in this eternal truth: “it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish”. Then again, 2 shots isn’t a bad way to finish.

Insomniac Stream #2

Is it coming to an end? I say so, no, wrong way home. Howling wolves become Rome. Burning knuckles kick sand in the naked soldiers’ faces. We don’t want to see the transparency. Cannonball nights. You can’t breathe any better air than I can. Sheep are worth their weight in air. Green is a God, as trees and printing presses push monopoly money into the pockets, arguing in the dome overlooking the secrets. Drink tea or coffee, milk or mayonnaise. Ride….he’s got 3 tickets. Any way you slice this life, it comes up slit.. – RJD

Angry news of the day: “By April 21, Americans will have made enough to pay the $3 trillion in federal taxes and $1.5 trillion in state taxes — more than they will spend on food, clothing, and housing combined.” *

Bob Geldof’s daughter, Peaches Geldof died at the age of 25 today.

Peaches Geldof

Peaches Geldof

Today’s Miracle: The ocean continues to be a vast, unexplored region of beauty, where mankind is a lingering stranger at best.

I’m going to sleep now. Everything is random.

Until next time….

The poor man’s Arthur Miller

*Source –

Insomniac Stream #1 – Orgasmic Kaleidoscope

Peanut Farming

Peanut Farming


I apologize to all my readers for the length of time between posts. I have a couple of ideas brewing. But, tonight it’s not about any of those.  I’m barely awake. It’s been a orgasmic (not in the sexual sense) day. Therefore, this entry will be the first truly random post of my blog. I hope you all enjoy this one, because these will pop in now and again.

Insomniac Stream #1

David Letterman retires, while I wear a raincoat to my dog’s 7th birthday pounding this fist into mud. Crowds gather outside the burning mosque to visit dying Orca smoking peace pipes. Laundry, quarters, soap, breaking and entering, and the smell of broken bones. Timothy Leary is dead. Why did that stick in my head? Beans, rice, and mice. I hope you’re still here….reader, you are dear…blow up dolls explode on the stranger’s hairy belly. Kisses on the frogs turn to dollar bills, flies buzz, resurrected, cackling. I’m not done. I AM not done. If you’re still here…I love you. I love you. I really do, because we are all part of this vast humanity of random movers, shakers and survivors just trying to find a bread, a roof, a human being with a SOUL. Goodnight, black and blue refugees from cosmic dance halls. Pray for the flashbulbs in the street to turn off.   -RJD

Continue reading

What are some common sleeping myths?



According to a poll done in 2011 by “The National Sleep Foundation” , 63% of Americans say their sleep needs are not being met during the weeknights. Is everything we hear and read about sleep true?

This article will expose some of the biggest myths we’ve been taught about sleeping over the years.

Myth: Older people need less sleep. As I watched my 69 year old father over the years, it appeared that he needed less and less sleep the older he got. Sometimes, I thought only sleeping 4-6 hours a night. Having read some articles on sleep, and watching my dad’s new sleep patterns, I assumed that older people need less sleep.

Truth: Older people need the same amount of sleep as everyone else. But, they do have different sleep patterns than the rest of us, and sneak away for several small naps during the day, giving the impression they need less sleep.

Myth: Tryptophan in your Thanksgiving turkey will cause you to fall asleep.

Truth: Tryptophan is in all kinds of foods and is an essential amino acid. Milk, chicken, fish are all high tryptophan foods. If the tryptophan in turkey caused this sleepy effect, then we should nod off after eating a salmon steak or drinking a glass of milk.

Myth: Eight hours is the optimum amount of sleep time for everyone.

Truth: Everyone has different sleep needs. Your body will tell you how much is enough and when you are getting tired. Don’t get anxious if you are only getting six hours. This is very common.

Myth: “Sleeping in” on the weekends helps you catch up on the sleep you missed out on over the week.

Truth: It’s best to keep a standard sleep schedule. This will make it easier for you to fall asleep every night, and all that extra weekend sleep won’t make you feel any less fatigued anyway. Sometimes, too much sleep will make you more tired than not enough.

Myth: Watching TV is a good way to help you fall asleep.

Truth: Relaxed breathed and slowed heart rate are the things that help you sleep. Exciting crime dramas, car advertisements, and technicolor movies will not calm you down at bed-time. Also, the light emitting from your TV tricks your brain into thinking it’s time to be awake. *Most doctors agree, you should turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed.*

Myth: You should keep your bed warm and cozy. I have to admit I was tripped up by this myth, until one night I couldn’t sleep and I talked to my sister. She suggested I open a window and turn my heat off. It actually worked.

Truth: Raising internal body temperature makes it more difficult to sleep and having your head exposed to colder air is actually more conducive to sleep.

Source: *

“Bates Motel”, “Twin Peaks” Meets “Psycho”


batesmoteltvI have to admit I was very skeptical when I first heard about the A & E television show, “Bates Motel”. Having exhausted most of the good television shows from my Netflix streaming account, I decided to give it a chance. I am pleasantly surprised at the imaginative program. I just didn’t see how a prequel to “Psycho” set in modern times in a small, Oregon town with a former English child star playing Norman Bates could be anything but pure cheese.

Co-created by Carlton Cuse, one of the creators of “Lost” and Kerry Ehren, creator of “Friday Night Lights” the show delivers on several levels.

Being a child of the ’80s, I am a huge “Twin Peaks” fan. “Twin Peaks” managed to create a world where the all-American stereotypes of small-town life intertwined with an eerie underbelly of creepiness. Twin Peaks was a place where things and people were not as they seemed to the outside world.

“Bates Hotel” manages to capture that same juxtaposition with the fictional town of White Pine Bay, Oregon. Filming for the show is actually done in Aldergrove, British Columbia.

Aldergrove provides a beautiful, scenic backdrop to the story, just as North Bend, Washington did for “Twin Peaks” over 12 years ago.

The similarities to “Twin Peaks” are not accidental. The show’s producer Carlton Cuse admitted, “We pretty much ripped off Twin Peaks”. He admitted to being disappointed “Twin Peaks” only managed 30 episodes and hopes “Bates Motel” will represent the 70 that are missing. *

In the fictional world of White Pine Bay, you’ll find a beautiful, intelligent girl with Cystic Fibrosis named Emma, a dark underbelly of sex slave trafficking, a thriving local economy based on the growth, sale and distribution of marijuana, and a dark, enigmatic sheriff. As if the bizarre, often frightening characters of Norma and Norman Bates aren’t enough, “The Bates Motel” offers a smorgasbord of weirdness served up with a dose of humor and even sentimentality.

The acting in “The Bates Motel” is mostly superb. Vera Farmiga (Up in the Air) stars as the manic, controlling Norma Bates. Farmiga manages depict Norma’s unpredictable complexity. She’s the mother we love to hate, but can’t help but love as she tries to hold her oddball family together, all the while, struggling with her own destructive and impulsive behaviors.

Freddie Highmore (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) plays the teenage Norman Bates. Highmore is adept at switching back and forth between a well-behaved, model son to a creepy, zoned out sociopath. He captures the mannerisms of Anthony Perkins in the original “Psycho” very well. Highmore’s Bates has me convinced he is a young Norman.

Nestor Carbonell (Lost) as Royce Romero, the mysterious sheriff also gives a standout performance. Carbonell is able to capture the sheriff’s dark intensity with merely an icy stare.

The supporting cast does an adequate job. But, it is the main players that really stand out.

A & E has picked up another 10 episodes of the critically acclaimed show. Season 2 starts Monday, March 3rd at 9 p.m.


The Effects of Caffeine Use on Children

Adolescent Caffeine Consumption has Gone Too Far

Child Caffeine Consumption Has Gone Too Far

According to Terence Patterson, APA Div.43 (Family) President “Caffeine can stimulate immature neurological systems beyond children’s ability to tolerate it, which can have serious effects.”

Unfortunately, very few studies have been done regarding the physical or psychological effects of caffeine use on children.

Researchers are finally beginning to take notice though, as 75 percent of children consume some form of caffeine every day.

Many parents do to let their young children have coffee because of its very high caffeine content. Instead, parents opt for serving high calorie, caffeinated sodas like Mountain Dew, Coca-Cola and Pepsi. But, children who consume more than one 12 ounce of soda a day are 60 percent more likely to develop childhood obesity.

Caffeine is absorbed by every tissue in the body. It alters attention span, can causes troubles in sleep and has been shown to have especially negative symptoms on children already prone to anxiety and depression.

Caffeine is a drug. It is a stimulant.It causes withdrawal symptoms, headache, fatigue and lack of motivation. Caffeine can creative a vicious cycle, where heavy use keeps you awake and tired in the morning, leading to more heavy use the next morning, just to maintain a normal level of energy. But,once the caffeine leaves your body, you experience the inevitable crash.

As with most things, using caffeine in low, moderate doses will probably not harm your child in any long-lasting way. But, energy drinks are starting to carve out a large portion of the caffeine pie. Many of these drinks are marketed specifically to young people. Some of them contain over 14 times the amount of caffeine that’s in a standard can of soda. Though many energy drink cans are labeled “not recommended for children under 16”, they can be purchased over the counter by anyone with a couple of bucks.

Consumption of these high powered energy drinks by young people can cause symptoms like: muscle twitching, abnormal heart activity, rapid, racing heartbeat, and psycho-motor agitation. Among pre-teen users, difficulties concentrating and increased anxiety levels are common problems of overuse.

It’s not all doom and gloom though. Childhood caffeine consumption has not been found to inhibit growth, as the common myth would suggest.


Top 10 Saturday Night Live Cast Members from 1975-2013



Saturday Night Live Logo Over New York City

  1. Phil Hartman – 8 seasons, 1986-1994

Memorable characters:

  • Frankenstein
  • Frozen Caveman Lawyer
  • Jesus
  • Bill Clinton
  • Frank Sinatra

In 1995, he starred as Bill McNeal in the NBC sitcom, “NewsRadio”. He also had frequent voice-over roles on “The Simpsons”. His life was brought to a tragic end when his wife killed him in his sleep and later committed suicide

2. Will Ferrell – 7 seasons, 1995-2002

Memorable Characters:

  • Harry Caray
  • Neil Diamond
  • Janet Reno
  • Alex Trebek
  • James Lipton

Will Ferrell has starred in several successful movies since he left “Saturday Night Live”. Some of his biggest hits are: “Old School” ,”Elf,  “Anchorman-The Legend of Ron Burgundy” and, “Kicking and Screaming”. He has been nominated for several industry awards including an Emmy, ESPY, Golden Globe, Kid’s Choice, and MTV movie awards.

3. Eddie Murphy – 4 seasons, 1980-1984

Memorable Characters:

  • Gumby
  • Buckwheat
  • Mr. Robinson
  • James Brown
  • Stevie Wonder

Eddie Murphy has had both an active movie career and a singing career since leaving SNL. He has starred in some major hit movies, including: “Trading Places”, “Beverly Hills Cop”, and “Coming to America”. As a singer, he also had two hit singles, “Party all the Time” and “Put Your Mouth on Me”

4. Chris Farley – 5 seasons, 1990-1995

Memorable Characters

  • Matt Foley
  • El Nino
  • Chippendale Dancer
  • Newt Gingrich
  • Chicago Bears Superfan

Chris Farley paired up with David Spade and starred in 2 movies, “Tommy Boy” and “Black Sheep”. His final movie was “Beverly Hills Ninja”. On December 18, 1997, at the age of 33, Farley was found dead of a cocaine and morphine overdose.

5. Dana Carvey – 7 seasons, 1986-1993

Memorable Characters:

  • The Church Lady
  • Garth
  • George Bush, Sr.
  • Jimmy Stewart
  • Casey Kasem

Dana Carvey has had a relatively quiet post-SNL career. He did star in a couple of notable movies, “The Master of Disquise” and “Clean Slate”. But, neither one made much noise with critics or at the box office. Carvey withdrew from the limelight early to focus on his family. He has been named number 90 on the list of the greatest stand-up comics of all-time

6. Mike Myers – 9 seasons, 1986-1995

Memorable Characters:

  • Linda Richman
  • Wayne Campbell
  • Dieter
  • Simon
  • Stuart Rankin

Mike Myers has written, produced and acted in several box office hits. He wrote and acted in the movie adaptations of “Wayne’s World”, and “Wayne’s World 2”. He was also a producer, writer and actor for the very successful “Austin Powers” trilogy. In addition, Myers is the voice of the animated character, Shrek.

7. Kristen Wiig – 7 seasons, 2005-2012

Memorable Characters:

  • Target Lady
  • Penelope
  • Kathy Lee Gifford
  • Shanna
  • Dooneese

Kristen Wiig has not been out of the SNL cast for very long. But she’s already making a big name for herself in Hollywood. The 2011 comedy, “Bridesmaids”, which she wrote and starred in, was nominated for an academy award for Best Original Screenplay

Post SNL Highlights:

8. Adam Sandler – 5 seasons, 1991-1995

Memorable Characters:

  • Canteen Boy
  • Cajun Man
  • Opera Man
  • Gap Girl w/David Spader
  • Brian, from the Denise Show

Adam Sandler has had arguably one of the most successful post-SNL careers. He has his own production company, “Happy Madison Productions”. Happy Madison’s most successful movies include: “Happy Gilmore”, “The Wedding Singer”, “Little Nicky”, “Joe Dirt”, “Eight Crazy Nights”, and “Anger Management”.

9. Dan Aykroyd – 4 seasons, 1975-1979

Memorable Characters:

  • Beldar
  • Tom Snyder
  • Georg Festrunk
  • E. Buzz Miller
  • Fred Garvin

Like Sandler, Dan Aykroyd has enjoyed a very long and successful post SNL career. Aykroyd plays the beloved Elwood, in the “Blues Brothers” franchise. He has  starred in a number of popular comedies , including: “Trading Places”, “Ghostbusters”, and “Spies Like Us”. Akryod was nominated for an academy award for his role in “Driving Miss Daisy”. He is also part owner of “Crystal Head Vodka”, the official vodka of the Rolling Stones.

10. Andy Samberg – 7 seasons, 2005-2012

  • Nicholas Cage
  • Mark Wahlberg
  • Mark Zuckerman
  • Shy Ronnie
  • Jimmy Fallon

Andy Samberg has starred in a number of roles in little known films, “Hot Rod”, “Hotel Transylvania” , and “That’s My Boy”. His most well-known film to date is “Celeste and Jessie Forever”. He is best known as the wise-cracking Jake Peralta, on “Brooklyn 99”. For his role as Perralta, he received a Golden Globe Award in 2014. He delivered a hilarious speech for “Class Day” at Harvard University. The speech has since gone viral on Youtube.

Honorable Mention : Tina Fey, Norm McDonald, John Belushi, Molly Shannon, Jimmy Fallon, Dennis Miller, John Belushi, Jason Sudiekis, Tracey Morgan,  and Bill Hader.

Up and Coming*: Kate Mckinnon, Bobby Moynihan, Jay Pharoah, and Keenan Thompson.

*Note-Only cast members who have already left SNL were chosen to be in the top 10.

10 Foods to Help Prevent or Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Smart Food Choices Can Help Control Diabetes.

Smart Food Choices Can Help Control Diabetes.

At the tender age of 45, I found myself sitting in the lab room at my doctor’s office, shocked at the news. The results of my blood tests show I am on the border of diabetes, or at the pre-diabetes stage. Being a self-help person, and someone who does not want to take medication for diabetes, I began my own little research study to determine my own risk factors. I was on a quest to find enjoyable foods to eat and still maintain control over my possible diabetes.

Primary risk factors for diabetes are leading a sedentary lifestyle and being overweight. But, there are several foods, when eaten in moderation which will also lower your risk of developing diabetes.

-Fermented Dairy Products

According to British research studies, regular consumption of yogurt, cottage cheese and other fermented dairy products can lower the risk of developing diabetes by as much as 28 percent.


Eating plenty of baked or grilled, skinless chicken breasts is a great way to control your weight, and help prevent diabetes. Chicken breasts are full of lean protein, and best of all, for the amount of calories you consume (120-160 per breast), they make you feel very satisfied and full, keeping you from eating as much throughout the day.

Dark Chocolate-

Dark chocolate has ingredients that lower high blood pressure and is a potent anti-oxidant. Avoid consuming milk chocolate however, as the flavanoids, and anti-oxidants aren’t prevalent in milk chocolate and won’t compensate for the sugar intake.


According to, blueberries are a fruit that is beneficial to diabetics. Blueberries also contain powerful anti-oxidants and have been shown to increase insulin sensitivity.


Surprisingly, coffee can help reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 50% according to It’s important to keep your coffee intake down to less than 4 cups per day.

Green Vegetables-

Non-starchy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and and green beans help to treat and prevent diabetes because they are high in fiber and low in carbohydrates.


Most starchy foods affect blood sugar poorly. But, beans are a great alternative because they are also high in fiber and protein. Vitamins like iron, potassium and magnesium are also abundant in beans.


Fish is high in healthy fat (omega-3 fats). Fish has also been known to lower blood pressure and lower the risk of blood clotting. Some common fish that are high in omega-3s are salmon, tuna and trout.


Nuts, especially almonds and cashews are a very healthy source of protein and fiber. They are high in calories because of fat content. But, it is healthy monounsaturated fat, not the dangerous saturated fat. Many diabetics find that mixed nuts are a great option.


Another surprise, because of its high carbohydrate level is oatmeal. Oatmeal is very high in soluble fiber and can help lower cholesterol, improve blood pressure and stabilize glucose levels. Like, chicken and yogurt, a small amount can also fill you up for a long time.

Controlling diabetes does not mean saying goodbye to enjoyable food. With a little bit of research and some creativity, you can create a satisfying diet plan for yourself that fills you up, tastes great, and helps maintain, control or prevent diabetes.

Good luck, good shopping, and good eating.

Washington Drivers, a Winter Hazard



Six Car Pile-up with Light Snow

For years, I’ve heard jokes about how bad Washington drivers are in the snow and ice. The winter weary travelers of the East Coast can’t believe the panicked faced and school closures we get out here with a light dusting of snow.

My ex-girlfriend is from Boston and during our courtship, I visited her several times in her hometown of Worcester, mostly around the Christmas holidays. Needless to say, the temperatures were cold, and the snow was deep. The first time we got in the car to drive from the airport to her house, there must have been at least 8 inches on the ground and snow and wind blowing all over the road and the windshield. She jumped in the driver’s seat, started her 1998 Chevy up, and without a moments hesitation headed out onto the freeway. You might be thinking since the freeway was being driven on, it was clear. It wasn’t. The snow was simply too packed and coming down too fast to clear any type of traction on the road.

As a native Washington boy sitting in the passenger side, I couldn’t help but think these people on the East Coast had some sort of magic secret or talisman of protection to guide them through these stormy roads. I looked on with awe and fright as my girlfriend calmly drove us to her house, not once slipping or sliding or giving off the slightest hint of fear. It was then, I understood why they tease us.

It snowed about an inch and a half here in Federal Way, Washington last night. I was at a weekly club meeting I attend and it starting snowing halfway through. By the time we were finished at 10 p.m., there was a pretty good covering of snow and ice on the roads. I left in a hurry, but confident I’d have no problem getting home. I live only about a 5 minute drive from the meeting place. But, the drive is not on well-traveled road. My philosophy, when driving in the snow, is just to keep the car moving forward, try not to brake at all and keep a safe distance from all other cars and obstacles. I figure if I do this, I will be just fine.

Well, I was whistling a happy tune and grateful my car was handling the road well, when I turned onto a road with a slight incline. See the picture above, scattered all before me were cars of various types and models going every which way in a chaotic dance. Unfortunately, and I’ll put money on it, these drivers in front of me must have slowed down too much or tried to turn to sharply. But, either way, I didn’t even have a clear path to go through. So, I had to break my golden rule and stop my car in the middle of a snowy road on an incline. Well, my little yellow Hyundai got stuck and the wheels started spinning.

In the midst of all this mess, there were some fortunate people with SUVs and 4-wheel drives. They decided to just gun it and try to slip by the rest of us as closely as possible. Oh boy, I was beginning to fear a long, cold wasted Saturday night. Luckily as more and more snow came down, the powder covered the icy spots and actually became easier to get traction on. Also, a kind man in a truck pulled up behind many of the stuck vehicles and helped push them up the road and out of the way. So, everything cleared and I made it home, with a huge sigh of relief.

Two years ago, I took a traffic course to erase a deferred ticket. Remembering that class got me thinking, and I had an epiphany. Why don’t we hire state patrolman or “staties” (as they call them in Worcester) Let them come out to Washington to teach some lessons in our driver’s education classes specifically geared toward driving safely in the snow.

I’m being facetious here. But, the most annoying thing to me about snowy driving in Washington is other drivers. For the most part, I love Washington drivers. The majority are courteous, safe and almost overly polite on the roadways. But, when the snow comes out, panic mode sets in and they do dumb things.

On the flip side, during my travels on the East Coast, I found many of the drivers to be rude, cutting people off, following to close, going to fast and just exhibiting overall insanity, regardless of the road conditions. Maybe it’s this type of fearlessness that helps them conquer the snow.

Luckily, it only snows in Western Washington about 5 days a year. So, from now on, I’ll be thankful for my polite Washington drivers. But, hide in my house when the snow comes out.

The Lie of Being Busy



Busy Executive in the Weeds

Ask any random person on the street, how their life is going. You’re likely to hear something along the lines of “I’m so busy, or gotta run, I’ve got to be or do, (fill in the blank). I submit that much of this busyness is self-inflicted or exaggerated to appear to be a productive, with-it, “winning” person to quote Charlie Sheen.

They postulate that if you’re not busy all the time, you must be a free-loader, slacker, low-ambition, selfish parasite on society. Perhaps, I’m using a bit of hyperbole here. But, busyness in America has become a badge of honor. Any less, is well, less.

The information age is responsible for much of this philosophy as smartphones, social media sites, texting, chatting, and coffee have conspired to give us all the impression we are busy, when most of our day is spent in a vast sea of random unnecessary conversations and updates. We are so caught up in our own lives, we don’t even notice we aren’t even living in the full sense of the word, as the days pass by in a cloud of information overload.

Multiple times, I have seen either homeless people or people using food stamps texting on their $400 smartphones. while people wait in line to buy groceries or try to solve real-life problems.

Our society simply is not as busy as people pretend to be. We have twice as much leisure time as our farming ancestors did, less than 100 years ago. They really were busy and appreciated and valued their down time, as rest from exhaustion and a chance to recharge their batteries for the next day.

Our problem is that we view engagement in any activity as busyness. “Uncle John’s funeral is tomorrow; Sarah has soccer practice; I’ve got to tape that episode of Breaking Bad; Tina is texting me; the line at Starbucks is so long; did you see what Miley Cyrus wore to the Grammies last night? The list goes on and on. Granted, some of our activities do keep us busy. But, we fail to mention all the time engaged in watching sporting events, hanging out at bars, chatting with Facebook friends, surfing the web or playing video games.

Entertainment time, IS NOT busy time. That is why they call them “leisure” time activities. I for one am glad I can truly tell someone when they ask how busy I am, that I have structured my life in such a way as to relieve stress, eliminate white noise and schedule in plenty of minutes of down-time. Plus, I do not mix in leisure activities with work activities and call the sum total busyness.

I don’t want to live in a world where nobody thinks they have time to sit down and have a one-on-one conversation with a friend, play a long, slow board game or enjoy a leisurely stroll along the beach. Life is too short to let it be a blur and computer interaction is no substitute for real human interaction. There is a healthy amount of busyness. I am not advocating sloth.

I just think it would be wise to prioritize your life, so it is balanced, and stop trying to fill every day with activities.

Socrates said it best, “Beware of the barrenness of a busy life”.