Insomniac Stream #3 – Grocery Cart Blues

Funny, but true.

Funny, but true.

I just have to bring this up because it’s been on my mind a long time. I don’t want to offend anyone who is on government assistance programs, who really need them. But, it seems like these days every time I go to the store, there is someone in front of me with a huge, stuffed grocery cart. These people get up to the counter and either hand the cashier about $300.00 worth of welfare checks, or take out their welfare debt cards to pay for the stuffed bundle of goods.

In front of them, and behind them will be other shoppers with about 2 bags of groceries each, who take out real money to pay for their own groceries. The sad thing is, the people in front and back of the welfare users are paying for their own groceries twice. Not only are they buying their groceries (through their own hard work). But, through government taxes, they are buying the giant welfare basket for the other guy too.

With record numbers of people receiving government aid, under the current administration, this is not surprising. Sadly the lower,and even upper middle classes are being -squeezed to death, on both sides. If this continues, America will be the land of the mega-rich, and the dependent poor. In other words, the exact opposite of the economically dependent, capitalist nation we were once built upon, where every man could create their own dream.

As I watch Russia and China sit back and wait like sleeping giants, and minding their own business, I see America involve themselves in every other country’s affairs. But, right here at home, the Federal government has created a crumbling educational system, ignored trillions of dollars of mounting debt, and created a massive healthcare plan the citizens didn’t want in the first place, doesn’t work, and was presented under false pretenses. 

 I’m off my soap-box for today. It’s time for the poetry, and the usual insomniac stream format. Whether you agree or disagree with my cynical political views, my intention is to at least spark a dialogue.

Insomniac Stream #3

Buried balls deep in water under my head. Glass cracks my skull. Adventures in babysitting becomes a model for dying my hair at Dairy Queen. Nothing is making sense tonight. I don’t even have the will to fight. Leave this plane. Board the game. Trains are taking off for higher plains. Existentialism bull pucky. Cranberry Kool-Aid comes but once a bleed-out. Time stands still. I watch the pilot-less planes float over me. I’m drained by the emotional abuse the government is handing out to us and them. Can’t think. Don’t eat. Breath deep. We’re in for survival folks. –RJD

Grossest beverage of the day:Dock street brewing company makes a beer using smoked goat brains. No joke.

WWE Hall of Fame Wrestler, the Ultimate Warrior dies at 55 today.

Today’s Miracle:The flight of birds. The songs of birds. Tiny little brains. But, they can fly! What magical lives they must lead. I hope they appreciate the gift of flight. But, I can’t speak their language.

Eagle in Flight

Eagle in Flight

Signing off from the garage of my mind,

The poor man’s Vladimir Nabokov